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• 2007: ACMT 正式加入IACM,成為IACM的國家會員。
International Association of Computational Mechanics (IACM)
ACMT Key Members:
楊永斌    Chairman
王仲宇 Vice Chairman
呂良正 Vice Chairman
陳俊杉 Executive Director
陳正宗 Active Member

• 2007 – now 積極參加IACM相關國際會議

  • World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) organized by IACM (every  two years)

  • US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM) organized by  USACM (every two years)

  • Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM) organized by  APACM (every three years)

  • European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and  Engineering, organized by ECCOMAS (every two years)

  • IACM CFC, IACM Mechanistic Machine Learning and Digital Twins for  Computational Science, Engineering & Technology

  • IACM, APACM, USACM, ECCOMAS Thematic Conferences


WCCM-APCOM 2016, Seoul


WCCM 2018, NYC



ACMT 2015, Taipei

ACMT 2017, Tainan

APCOM 2019, Taipei


ACMT 2016, Taipei


ICM 2018, Yilan


• 2022 正式向內政部成立台灣計算力學學會







台灣計算力學學會  ACMT 大事記

Association of Computational Mechanics Taiwan (ACMT)


• 2006.12.21:

   ACMT 正式成立

• 籌備加入IACM

International Association of Computational  Mechanics (IACM)


• 2015 – now 積極主辦相關國內與國際計算會議

The Association of Computational Mechanics Taiwan (ACMT) aims to provide a vibrant platform to foster the activities related to Computational Solid and Computational Fluid Mechanics in Taiwan. It is an official national affiliation under the International Association of Computational Mechanics (IACM).

ACMT regularly hosts conferences and workshops to promote and accelerate the research and development of computational mechanics in Taiwan. The members of ACMT also actively engage in computational-mechanics activities worldwide.

History of ACMT (Prof. YB Yang, President of ACMT, 2016-2020)

The Association of Computational Mechanics Taiwan (ACMT) may be new to some of you, but it was established on December 21, 2006 during the Annual Forum on Advanced Engineering Computation in Taipei, Taiwan. At that time, our intention is only to apply for the membership from the International Association of Computational Mechanics (IACM), on behalf of the researchers on Computational Mechanics in Taiwan. Fortunately, after we filed the application for the membership in 2007, we were just admitted. There is a short article in the January 2008 issue of the IACM Expressions introducing the new membership and activities of ACMT at the time. The key members of the ACMT at the time include myself, Profs. Chuin-Shan David Chen and Liang-Jenq Leu of the Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, and Prof. Chung-Yue Wang of the Department of Civil Engineering, National, Central University.

Aside from the IACM membership, we did not think about promotion of the ACMT to the level of a registered society with regular members, Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors, and regular meetings for every three months. However, from year to year, David and I have done our best and managed to maintain the status of ACMT in IACM and related meetings. We have shown up in most of the congresses organized the IACM and its associates. For example, the World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM), the US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM) organized by USACM, the Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM), and the European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering organized ECCOMAS. All these are large-size conferences, which can draw participants from one to five thousand, depending on whether the location of the venue is attractive or not. The momentum to promote the ACMT activities actually comes at the moment when we decided to hold an APCOM conference in 2013 during the Singapore conference, especially under the encouragement of some senior, foreign friends. By now, I think you may know that we, the ACMT, were approved by the Executive Council of the APACM in July 2016 in Seoul, Korea to hold the APCOM in 2019 in Taipei. As a result, I become the President of APACM.

To successfully organize such a big conference, we need to mobilize the domestic colleagues working on computational mechanics to support us in various aspects, so as to lay a firm foundation for the forthcoming event. To this end, we have actually taken the following steps: (1) In the 11th WCCM conference held in Barcelona in 2014, we had a show-up of 27 delegates from Taiwan; (2) In the 12th WCCM conference held in Seoul in 2016, the number of participants has reached a record high of 68 delegates; (3) The first ACMT was successfully held in 2015; (4) 2016 to 2018, we held the 2nd, 3rd and 4th ACMT conference successfully.

As for the past ACMT activities, my deepest gratitude goes to Prof. David Chen and his group. They have done almost everything for the association without claiming any expense, because they know that we have no budget at hand. They designed the logo for ACMT in 2007, while constructing the web page. Moreover, David provided all the short articles publication in the IACM Expressions in a number of issues starting from 2008.

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